Community Health

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What is Community Health?

‘Community health refers to non-clinical approaches for improving health, preventing disease and reducing health disparities through addressing social, behavioral, environmental, economic and medical determinants of health in a geographically defined population.’  American Hospital Association (AHA)

What Guides Our Work:

Community Benefit Reporting: Federal reporting requirement for “healthcare charitable trusts” which are defined as “organized to directly provide health care services, including, but not limited to, hospitals, nursing homes, community health services, and medical-surgical or other diagnostic or therapeutic facilities or services.” RSA 7:32-d, V *

Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA): Every health care charitable trust shall, either alone or in conjunction with other health care charitable trusts in its community, conduct a community needs assessment to assist in determining the activities to be included in its community benefits plan. RSA 7:32-f*

Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP): The plan shall identify the activities the trust expects to undertake or support which address the needs determined through the community needs assessment process or which otherwise qualify as community benefits and shall include all charity care in a discrete category. RSA 7:32-e, III*

Our Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA)/Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) 2024

Source: Community Health Assessment Toolkit, 2023

Every 3 years NLH engages in a CHNA/CHIP that requires us to:

  1. Identify the health needs of our community and; 
  2. Address the identified needs by developing a focused improvement plan.

Our goal is to improve our communities’ health through the CHNA/CHIP process. 

In 2024, a CHNA Leader Survey was distributed in February, and then a Resident Survey in March. The final CHNA Report will be issued by June 30, 2024. 

Beginning in July 2024, NLH Community Health will be working with community members to draft a CHIP which will drive the Community Health programming priorities of NLH over the coming years. Learn more about these community conversations, including dates and times

Learn more about this process from Healthy Communities


Please visit our community resources page for more information. 

Annual & Community Reports

Read New London Hospital Annual Report, Community Benefits Reporting forms, and other reports.

Contact Us


Jenn Alford-Teaster, MA, MPH She/Hers
Program Manager, Community Health, Community Relations and Development