Patient- and Family-Centered Philosophy of Care

Every patient at New London Hospital is part of a unique family unit with its own strengths and capabilities. We respect the importance of the family, as defined by the patient, and encourage family involvement and support in patient care. We believe in partnering with each patient and family to give the highest quality of care to each patient.

Our philosophy of care includes these values:

  • We view families as partners who contribute to the well-being of patients.
  • We believe the patient's family, as defined by the patient, is an important part of the health care team.
  • We support quality of care and patient satisfaction by partnering with patients and families for all levels of care.
  • We respect the diversity of patient families.
  • We share complete and unbiased information with patients and their families, with the patient's consent.
  • We provide a healing environment for patients and families.